Art Color Ballet Foundation:
Implements statutory objectives:
Organizing concerts, musical – theatrical, scenic spectacles, sports, touristic events, etc.
Organizing contests, courses, seminars, music and theatre festivals,
Supporting work of young artists and representatives of creative sectors, also actions on integrating various artistic backgrounds and culture makers,
Cooperation with formal and informal groups and organizations in Poland and abroad, which objectives align with objectives of the Art Color Ballet Foundation; cooperation can take up a form of organizational support, partial or total financial support or help with funding from other sources.
Organizing various form of social activities based on culture and national heritage, including increasing participation of local communities in culture events. Foundation can do that using various tools, like organizing exhibitions, artistic events, discussion panels, concerts, happenings, art performance shows, art workshops, lectures, seminars, congresses and theatrical, music and movie events.
Editing activities; internet and festival papers, books, magazines, brochures,
Spreading knowledge about art and culture,
Supporting development of cultural infrastructure, including expansion and modernization of existing objects and building new ones,
Acquiring funds from EU funds and resources, foreign special purpose funds from public activities commissioned by local councils using various tools, within framework of sponsoring and patronage from Polish and foreign companies for supporting cultural enterprises spreading cultural knowledge and integration of European regions.
Initiating or participating in national and international projects supporting cultural education,
Activities for improvement of management systems for cultural goods,
Counteraction of social exclusion – development of democracy and integration within European Union,
Promotion and introduction of innovative solutions for culture and its development,
Organizing informative-promoting events, conferences and congresses , edition of newsletters and mutual exchange of experiences and information,
Acting on European integration and cooperation with European institutions, cooperating with urban, municipal and local cultural institutions, local councils and public administrations, other institutions and private organizations interested in Foundation objectives, through realization of bilateral and community programs, Foundation can do that within remits of separate organizational units (e.g. European Cultural Cooperation Office) ,
Promoting of innovative methods and new phenomena in culture and art, in particular new media and modern tools of artistic expression,
Conducting its own research within statutory objectives, in particular modern art and culture reception, culture funding and informing about it,
Building integrated tourist product due to various recipients, connecting culture with e-access to services – ‘cultural tourism and cyberspace’,
Complex promotion of cultural and nature heritage and places with strong identity for recipients of Foundation activities,
Pursuing to improve dialogue between people including experience from different cultures and communities in inspiring citizens in participating in public life,
Supporting development of social economy in cultural industry.