A musical performance inspired by the œuvre of Zdzisław Beksiński
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A musical performance inspired by the œuvre of Zdzisław Beksiński
Zdzisław Beksiński numbers among a small group of Polish artists whose œuvre is equally recognizable both in Poland and elsewhere in Europe. Giving rise to much emotion and controversy, the artist’s works leave no one indifferent. They inspire extreme feelings in viewers: from enchantment to harsh criticism.
The first permanent exhibition of Zdzisław Beksiński’s works in Kraków will open in October 2016 at the Nowa Huta Cultural Centre. The Gallery opening will be accompanied by a show entitled KRYPTONIM 27 in the rendition of Art Color Ballet, which will transplant Master Beksiński’s extraordinary vision of the world to the stage and attempt to decipher the hidden meanings of his works in the spatial dimension. The viewer will delve into a space created from mobile pictures, ballet bodies, holograms and live music. Between wakefulness and dreaming, in the gallery and onstage – in a hazy plane of fantastic visions, an oversensitive imagination and hidden fears…
premiere : 4,5 November 2017, 7:00 PM, Nowa Huta Cultural Centre Stage
Choreographer, Stage Director, Visual Designer: Agnieszka Glińska /Art Color Ballet
Choreography collaboration: Małgorzata Popławska -Warelis
Music: Nikola Kołodziejczyk
Animation: Paweł Kamykowski, Szymon Kamykowski
sound design: Marek Smok Rajss
Production: Nowa Huta Cultural Centre
The Nowa Huta Cultural Centre and the Art Color Ballet’s production has been esteemed by critics, as well as by theater and dance lovers. Attesting to this are the quantity and tenor of the reviews that have appeared in the press and on Internet portals.
18 dancers, painted bodies moving in time to the music, at moments their movement is brilliant and rapacious; elsewhere, it resembles a lazy morning stretch. […]
Małgorzata Skowrońska, „Gazeta Wyborcza”
The Art Color Ballet’s show, directed by Agnieszka Glińska, is a combination of the visual arts with ballet, music, song and acrobatics. The whole, maintained in the gloomy atmosphere proper to the works of Zdzisław Beksiński, creates coherent frames that skillfully convey the aura emanating from the master’s paintings […]
Dariusz Jaroń,
The show is characterized by the improbably vivid composition of its successive scenes. It is a peculiar sort of impression concerning Beksiński’s œuvre – we have a sense that the figures have ‘come down from’ the paintings. […] Thanks to the Art Color Ballet ensemble, we can feel the atmosphere of a one-of-a-kind and fascinating horror and addictive anxiety; and we will receive it all in an enchanting form.
Joanna Marcinkowska, Dziennik Teatralny
The show is amazing in the coherence of all of its elements. The over a dozen dancers moving harmoniously to live music that is sometimes gentle and somnolent, other times obtrusive and aggressive; the masks, the props, the phenomenal play of light – all of this ‘moves’ the artist’s paintings onto the stage; and the audience, into the world of Beksiński’s paintings.
Anna Małachowska,
How to introduce Beksiński’s œuvre, at the same time honoring his career? How to show the audience that the Sanok artist’s imagination was not limited just to cheap tricks and the fantastic period? How to go deeper, show more and, at the same time, not slip into clichés? The answers should be sought in the Cryptonym 27 show […]
Paulina Mikołajczyk,
The reviewers’ voice converged with viewers’ opinions posted, for instance, in social media.
Klaudia: An incredible, daring show full of emotions that pervade the viewer not only during the show, but also long after it is over. Fantastic soloists who superbly fill out the coherent whole. You need to experience these emotions live. I definitely recommend it.
Natalia: A superb show, an innovative vision that draws you in from the first minutes, a superb performance.
Paulina: An extraordinarily visual show, wonderful music, dynamic visuals and all of that highlighted by dance. Definitely worth recommending!
Feliks: ART – in the largest possible letters. I am not able to rate this production indifferently. Fantastic work by the whole ensemble, improbable imagination on the part of the creators!
Michał: The show is amazing and polished in every detail. The music, visuals, choreography and acrobatics make a wonderful impression and cause Beksiński’s art to acquire the vision of a new dimension before one’s eyes, to become more alive and completely draw one in. Definitely world-class!
choreographer, stage director, art design –
Agnieszka Glińska / Art Color Ballet
assistant choreographer – Małgorzata Popławska-Warelis
music, conductor – Nikola Kołodziejczyk
animation – Paweł Kamykowski, Szymon Kamykowski (KAMYK Productions)
sound design – Marek Smok Rajss (Wataha Drums)
producer – Nowa Huta Cultural Centre
Dancers of Art Color Ballet
Małgorzata Popławska-Warelis, Agata Kamykowska, Joanna Czarnecka, Marta Mietelska-Topór, Anna Turzańska, Katarzyna Walendowska-Gosek, Piotr Słodkowicz, Maciej Talik, Katarzyna Kleszcz, Agnieszka Kociołek, Ivanna Chaikovska, Mateusz Miela, Stanisław Iwanicki, Jacek Skoczeń, Dominik Olechowski, Katarzyna Klimczak, Yelizaveta Janicka
Akrobaci / Acrobats
Elisa Bazzocchi, Marco Ticli
Muzycy / Musicians
Nikola Kołodziejczyk – dyrygent, fortepian, elektronika / conductor, piano, electronics
Szymon Kamykowski – saksofon / saxophone
Maciej Szczyciński – kontrabas / double bass
Szymon Madej – perkusja / percussion
Agnieszka Kiepuszewska – wokal / voice
Małgorzata Kogut-Ślanda – I skrzypce / violin I
Olga Kwiatek – II skrzypce / violin II
Ewa Hofman – altówka / viola
Bożena Kotwińska – wiolonczela / cello
Musicians of Wataha Drums
Marek Smok Rajss, Bartek Staromiejski, Mateusz Sarapata, Andrii Volynko
Visual artists of Art Color Ballet
Karolina Sobońska, Anna Seręga, Eliza Łoboda, Joanna Cieśla, Violetta Sporny, Agnieszka Glińska, Tomasz Pucher, Joanna Łaksa, Olga Pidgorna, Monika Dworakowska, Kinga Wójtowicz, Natalia Wija, Karolina Nowak, Magdalena Kronenberg-Seweryn, Joanna Grocholska, Justyna Mikoś, Weronika Tyrpa, Monika Gigier
Duration – 60 min
Première – 7 October 2016
Art Color Ballet
+48 501 618 909